
Student honoree to take service-first mindset into next steps

Student honoree to take service-first mindset into next steps

Posted on 4月26日星期五, 2024

Senior Servant Leader to speak at commencement

Senior 林赛绿色, this year’s Waights G. 亨利二世. 领导力奖得主, constantly deals with numbers in her studies and competitions, 但她发现最快乐的时刻是在不可估量的时刻——比如成为她有特殊需要的朋友之一的朋友,或者指导她在写作中心担任同伴顾问的学生.

“To make an impact on just one person brings me fulfillment,”她说。.

年度学生奖, which gives Green the honor of speaking at the May 4 commencement, is based on excellence in scholarship, 服务与领导.

“服务和领导力并不是人们追求这类机会的理由,”她说。. “对领导和服务的渴望源于对提升和维持一项让你充满激情的事业的渴望和责任感.”

A double major in Accountancy and Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 格林是校园圈子的主席,也是泛希腊执行委员会的前主席.

“She brought back the Campus Circles organization, 专注于通过指导将有特殊需求的个人与校园社区联系起来, service and sustainable relationships,”医生说。. 凯瑞·肯纳,负责学生体验的副校长兼学生主任. “她与仆人威尼斯人娱乐城的同龄人一起创建了这个学生组织, which has had an excellent response from the campus and local communities.

“林赛不仅在她的影响范围内对学生产生了巨大的影响, but in many facets of the 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 community.”


The programs most impactful for Green have been Servant Scholars, the Panhellenic Executive Council and Student Ambassadors. 

“两年了。, I served as a member of the Panhellenic Executive Council, 我最喜欢的部分是看着女人在新的姐妹关系中找到永远的家,”她说。. “Volunteering with Success By 6, Maidee Smith Early Learning Center, 校园圈子和我们的日常面包在威尔金森家庭仆人威尼斯人娱乐城计划已经成为我的成长不可或缺的一部分,因为它让我投入到已经涌入我的社区.

“作为学生大使, 我喜欢帮助人们发现威尼斯人娱乐城的美丽,因为我记得这次旅行对我决定来威尼斯人娱乐城有多重要, and I hope I have helped someone else in that choice.”

Another campus role Green took pride in was orientation leader. 在这个职位上,她指导同龄人,帮助即将入学的学生和家长.

“林赛有一种安静的领导风格,在应对变化方面具有快速的智慧和技巧,” Dr. 肯纳说. “今年, she took the role of Lead Orientation Leader, 回应学生/家长的问题或关注,并在几个会议上做报告. 许多参与者都评论说,她对威尼斯人娱乐城的热爱是显而易见的,她的激情/经历是新生希望实现的.”


Outside of her campus commitments, 她还担任过黑豹垒球和越野队的组成部分.

“Her work ethic is exemplified every day by her showing up and giving it her all,” said Cross Country Head Coach Jasen Jonus. “From her first year until now she has grown so much. 她对我们来说是一个伟大的领导者,她在课堂上的努力工作是我们团队的榜样.”

Her dedication to excellence applies not only to athletics but also academics.

格林保持着3分.9日平均绩点, has received several accolades, 包括Hines本科研究奖和乔治亚州注册会计师协会教育基金会的学术优秀奖,以及Zachary Taylor Jr .. Outstanding Business Student award in 2024. She has also presented at various conferences throughout her time at the college.



毕业后, Green will begin working as an accountant at the Joanie Lowe LLC firm in Bremen, 乔治亚州, while also studying for her Certified Public Accountant license.


“我在威尼斯人娱乐城遇到的朋友对我成长为一个年轻人有很大的影响,”她说. “我遇到了很多人,他们鼓励我走出舒适区,成为今天的我. I am grateful for my experiences at LC, where it is truly a family.”



Educators honored for excellence

  • 一年一度的 开学典礼 recognitions were presented April 18. 教师和学生因其杰出的成就而获得学术奖项. Psychological Science Assistant Professor Dr. Marci DeRamus, English Writing & 出版研究 Professor Dr. Laine Scott and Chemistry Professor Dr. Melvin Hall获得了2023-2024年Vulcan材料公司教学卓越奖, 2023-2024年卫理公会高等教育委员会和教育部模范教师奖和约翰R. 海恩斯小. 本科研究 Faculty Award, respectively. 教育学教授. Don Livingston was given the 2024 Flora Glenn Candler Teaching Professorship. 
  • 本科研究 awards were presented at 开学典礼 to senior Mayla Daniel (Basic Research), junior Ema Turner (Applied Research), senior Hayleigh Sebaugh (Religious, Historical and Literary Analysis) and senior Jacob Broome (Creative/Performance).                                                   Seniors take part in annual traditionSeniors recognized at ceremony
  • 高年级学生莱娅·艾弗里, Aubrie Cardwell, 林赛绿色, 凸轮里昂, 泰勒罗兰, Annabell Sapp and Hayleigh Sebaugh rang the 教堂钟声 本周. Avery received a full-time job offer at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 卡德威尔被威尼斯人娱乐城临床心理健康咨询硕士课程录取, Green received a full-time job offer at Joanie Lowe LLC in Bremen, 莱昂斯被加德纳韦伯大学体育教育硕士课程录取, Rowland received a full-time job offer at Rosenthal & 卡普林在邓伍迪, 萨普在兰开斯特的宾夕法尼亚文艺复兴博览会上接受了一份公司全年成员的工作, 宾西法尼亚, 西博被威尼斯人娱乐城的教学硕士项目录取了.
  • 校友会 玛丽埃塔 鼓励学生参加周二晚上巴克斯特校长举办的以大学为中心的对话, 4月30日, 下午五点半.m.在格洛弗公园啤酒厂.



Maureen Goughnour Capstone


6 p.m., Main Recording Studio, Westside, A110

  • 大四学生莫林·高诺尔(Maureen Goughnour)的巅峰表演将以原创作曲和编曲的作品为特色,结合游戏《威尼斯人娱乐城》中的特定视频游戏场景.



7 p.m., Beason Recital Hall, West Side

  • 大四学生雅各布·布鲁姆(Jacob Broome)的巅峰表演将有原创歌曲,他将和他的乐队一起现场演唱,并在稍后发行的专辑中演唱.



2 p.m.普莱斯戏剧实验室

  • 资深卡莉琼斯的论文将是一个戏剧性的表演与教师和其他客人选定的场景.


May Faculty and Staff Birthdays

3 .艾丽莎·劳森,招生办

4-Anthony Wilson, English Writing & 出版研究


7-Antoine Prather, 体育运动




奥斯汀·维兰德,艺术 & 设计

23-Clay Bolton, 体育 Management

罗比·托尔斯,艺术 & 设计

27-Luke Hopper, Theatre Arts





The Panthers played Piedmont University in a three-game series April 19-20. 球队输了 0-11 在第一场比赛中,我赢了 11-9 在第二场比赛中又输了 5-8 在最后的比赛中. LaGrange will host Maryville College in its final home regular season series. Game one will be on 4月26日星期五, (tonight), at 7 p.m., game two will be on 4月27日星期六, at 2 p.m. and game three will be on 4月28日星期日, at 2 p.m. The seniors will be recognized before the start of Sunday’s game.



LC wrapped up its regular season with a 6比3和13比1获胜 over Wesleyan College on Friday, April 19. The team will compete in the CCS 垒球 Championship May 1-4.


Team plays Southern Virginia

黑豹队输了 17-12 to Southern Virginia University 4月20日星期六. 这支球队将在周六与布里瓦德学院的最后一场常规赛中庆祝高三, 四月二十七日(明日), 在1点.m.


Team competes against Belhaven

上周,LC与Point大学进行了一场表演赛,为CCS锦标赛做准备. 球队输了 5-0 to Belhaven in round one of the tournament on Thursday, 4月25日, 在查塔努加, 田纳西州.

Sophomore receives conference honor

Sophomore Michael Strydom was named to the CCS All 体育manship Team.



黑豹队输了 their final regular season match to 艾格尼丝斯科特 4月20日星期六. 这支球队在刚刚过去的周一与Point队进行了一场表演赛,以结束本赛季. They did not qualify for the CCS Championship Tournament.

Senior earns conference honor

Senior Journey Oden was named to the CCS All 体育manship Team.


Team to play in championship




(Please note that schedules may change due to circumstances beyond our control. 请查看www.lagrangepanthers.Com确认.)

4月26日星期五 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 玛丽维尔,下午7点.m., Cleaveland Field at Williamson Stadium

4月27日星期六 ——长曲棍球 (家里) vs. 布里瓦德,1页.m.黑豹战场

4月27日星期六 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 玛丽维尔,2便士.m., Cleaveland Field in Williamson Stadium

4月28日星期日 ——棒球 (家里) vs. 玛丽维尔,2便士.m., Cleaveland Field in Williamson Stadium

4月29日星期一 – 高尔夫球 at CCS Championship, Dalton, 乔治亚州

4月30日星期二 – 高尔夫球 at CCS Championship, Dalton, 乔治亚州

4月30日星期二 ——长曲棍球 (USA South Tournament-First Round) vs. Southern Virginia, TBA, Buena Vista, Virginia

5月1日星期三 – 高尔夫球 at CCS Championship, Dalton, 乔治亚州

5月1日星期三 – 垒球 (CCS Tournament-Opening Round) vs. 皮埃蒙特,上午11点.m.来自乔治亚州的Demorest

5月2日星期四 ——棒球 at Huntingdon, 6 p.m.阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市



离职面谈:Waights G. 亨利二世. Leadership Award honoree 林赛绿色 ’24

Graduating senior 林赛绿色 will receive the Waights G. 亨利二世. 2024年毕业典礼颁奖典礼将于5月4日星期六在卡拉威体育场举行. 该奖项每年颁发给奖学金优秀的学生, 服务与领导.

类别: 学生、大学、威尼斯人娱乐城

Keywords: Leadership, Business



最后更新: 04/26/2024